I am from Andhra Pradesh, part of southern India. I am at present in Hyderabad, the capital of AndhraPradesh(AP).
My present position in Osmania University is Profesor of Physics. I love Physics and would like to train or educate as many number of students in that. I always try my best to enthuse as many to take up this subject and persue. It is one subject that finds application in all the fields known to the mankind. But still physicsts struggle to explain all the phenomenon happening around us. That is a challenge and I like to be a part of it and explain to the extent posible, in a small way.
As a teacher of physics, I am disheartened to see that not many of my students,recently, have shown interest to persue this subject beyond the degree they obtain and do not put in any effort to understand the subject. They are more inclined towards obtaining a degree rather than to understand the physical phenomenon.
I do not know, whether this a local phenomenon or universal.
I do not know the solution for this problem.
Can any body give a suggestion? If they have encounterd a similar problem, how did they solve it?
Welcome to blogosphere. I am sure your presence here will enlighten many like us.
Dear Prof start distributing some gyan otherwise the advertising by oroosa will be wasted.
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